Monday, September 25, 2017

Curator's Notes: Spotlight on Ruby Silvious

Ruby Silvious, Starbucks Bra, October 2016

Bosom Bodies: An Exhibition in Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month began with Ruby Silvious, who decided to create one bra each day during October 2016 in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  I met Ruby at the end of September 2016 and was fascinated by her use of discarded materials as "canvases" for  her art work.  Last September, she exhibited 363 Days of Tea at Atlantic Gallery in Chelsea.  I bought the book for this show and brought it to Tom Lecky at his store Riverrun Books and Manuscripts in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY.   Tom graciously invited us to install a pop-up exhibition of Ruby's teabag art in the bookshop for the weekend of December 2nd through 4th.   During the Artist's Talk on Saturday, December 3rd, Ruby met artist Wilhelmina Otabola Grant, who also makes art from discarded materials in honor of breast cancer awareness. The two artists engaged in a lively conversation and the seeds for Bosom Bodies were sow.

Ruby Silvious, Hermès Bra, October 2016

Ruby's work has been featured in numerous galleries and article.  She exhibited 26 Days in France at LM Studio in Hyères this past May.  This led to a wonderful interview in Le Beau Thé on September 8, 2017.  Please visit Ruby's website to learn more about her extraordinary life and work, and to read all the articles, if you can, as they are written in English, French and German - so far. Many more will be published in the future.  So keep Ruby on your radar screen. Ruby is a national treasure and my inspiration for this show. Ruby designed our logo and invitation for the show.

Ruby Silvious in her studio

Bosom Bodies is a New York Arts Exchange project curated by Beth S. Gersh-Nesic, PhD, Director and owner, New York Arts Exchange, LLC,

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